Madeline Moog
Minor in Writing Portfolio

Remediating- Mind Map & Process
When brainstorming about how to set up my digital booklet for my remediating project, I decided to play around with the graphic platform I was going to use for the booklet--piktochart--and create a mind map. After doing some research on other digital booklets, I noticed that most of them had some type of table of contents page, so I decided to include that to follow the conventional format. From there I divided the pages up based on the research I had done for the booklet.
Here is an overview of my thought process when constructing each page:
1. Mental Health Awards: This page consists of little ribbons that are awards for doing things most people without mental illness or who are not feeling overwhlemed would find mundane. I wanted my readers to know that doing mundane tasks is still an accomplishment that they should award themselves for!
2. Websites that help you relax: The sites chosen for this page allow the reader to destress, meditate, take a break, and be more productive. I wanted to include a wide variety of links that covered all of those basis so the reader would have many options to choose from depending on their current need.
3. Anxiety Reducing Tips: This page is the go-to place for the reader when they are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. I found the information for this page from tumblr and immediately knew I had to share it.
4. Brighten Your Day Tips: I wanted to include a page with simple tasks a person could do when they were having a bad day, and wanted to take action to try to make it a better one. I made the tasks super easy to do, so mostly everyone could implement them to make their day better.
5. Mental Health Resources: Similar to the mental health resources present on this eportfolio, I wanted to end the booklet with websites and hotlines people could use in order to recieve help or get more information. Information is key when fighting the stigma of mental illness, so this page was crucial!